I know you can't really see Kerrys' drawings that well, the reason being is that they are copyright to Kerry, so for safety reasons I left them in the wallet, as I would hate for anything untoward to happen if I photographed them individually. I now know how Julie felt when she made that fabby 'skater boy' card. I'm still getting used to looking at these 'doodles', whether I will have the courage to make a card as yet, that feels so very daunting at the mo. To be honest I am still in a state of surprise. This has been such a special, precious treat and really has brightened our day. Sending you loads of love 'n' hugs and special thanks Kerry.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
something very special......
To say how thrilled I was this morning when my postman arrived is such an understatement. A white, square envelope lay on the floor of our porch, when I opened it up, the surprise I got was overwhelming. I truly never expected to receive what I did. Kerry sent me the most gorgeous wallet card, with her very own 'doodled' character drawn on the front. She sent it by way of saying thank you for the 'bling' challenge candy she won. I have loved seeing Kerrys cards displayed on the do-crafts forum and even more since she started blogging, but to actually receive one from her is something so very special and precious to me, for which I am truly grateful.
This is no ordinary card, the reason I find it so very special is because Kerry also sent me a selection of her very own ("KerryJo originals") doodles, one of my favourites being the ballerina, seeing it in real life is amazing, thank you so very, very much Kerry. I feel so priviledged to have been given these images, not to mention extremely ecstatic, excited, chuffed to bits, over the moon......

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Don't you just love getting happy mail, it is alway so exciting :)
Oh how sweet of Kerry, and soooo not jealous, no really I'm not, na ah!!!! MUCH!!!! he he have so much fun colouring these in they are gorgeous, you lucky lucky thing, lol xx
Oh you lucky girl how wonderful to get all these fab images from such a talented lady. Great folder too. Sue :o)
You are most welcome & it was a pleasure!!
Kerry xxx
Wow Vicki, your so lucky! I'm with Alex on this one, I'm soooo not jealous of you! :\ lol xx
How lucky are you to get such great doodles to play with, cannot wait to see what you make with them. x
Wow!!! What a gorgeous card and sweet image!!! Lucky you!!! :D
Wow!!! What a gorgeous card and sweet image!!! Lucky you!!! :D
i love kerrys doodles,that was so nice of her to that,you lucky thing!have fun
How lucky are you! I'd love to get my hands on some of Kerry's Doodles.
Isn't that the cutest, lucky, lucky you
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