What a lovely award I have been given by Caroline, thank you so very much Caroline for thinking of me to give it to, has made my day. Caroline is relatively new to blogging, so please check out her blog as she has some wonderful cards on display. The rules for passing this award on are:-
1. Pass on to 5 people
2. 4 should be dedicated followers of your blog
3. 1 has to be someone new to your blog and from another country
4. Link to whoever gave you the award just as a thank you
I find it so difficult passing awards on, as I read so many amazing blogs and also have some wonderful comments on mine from such lovely ladies, so I am going to choose:-
Well I'd better get a wriggle on as my son, Ryan is waiting patiently for me to take him fishing and I've promised to take the girls out today. Thanks for visiting, I hope you all have a fabby day whatever your up to. xx vicki xx
Thanks so much for the award Vicki, I really appreciate it. Have a great day. x
Thank you Vicki, most appreciated!!
Kerry xxx
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